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Double twist machine introduction

Publish Time: 2023-01-30     Origin: Site

History of the double twist machine

The double twist machine was invented by the English inventor John Wilkinson in 1775. At the time, British industry was booming and there was an increasing need for improved mechanical equipment. John Wilkinson invented the double twister to meet the industrial needs of the time, improving on the existing twister mill. The invention of the double twist machine made the processing of metal products more refined and improved the processing efficiency, which made important contribution to the industrial development of Britain.


Double Twisting Machine


The structure of the double twist machine

The double twist machine consists of a body, a roller, a wire puller, a wire head and a wire seat.


Fuselage: composed of main engine, motor, transmission mechanism, reversing mechanism, operating platform and other components, mainly play a supporting role.


Roller: is the core component of yarn twisting, composed of roller shaft, roller wheel, roller bracket and other components, responsible for yarn twisting and twisting.


Wire puller: It is composed of wire puller shaft, wire puller wheel, wire puller bracket and other components, which play the role of wire pulling.


Wire pulling head: composed of wire pulling head shaft, wire pulling head wheel, wire pulling head bracket and other components, responsible for the grasp of wire pulling.


Cable holder: It is composed of cable holder shaft, cable holder wheel, cable holder bracket and other components, which is responsible for the support of cable.


Fuselage, roller, puller, puller head and puller seat are connected by transmission mechanism, reversing mechanism, etc., forming a complete double-twist machine system.


China Double Twisting Machine


Function of double twist machine

Double twist machine is a kind of machine used for processing metal wire, it can achieve twisting, winding, pulling and other functions. Its main structure includes twisting head, winding head, pulling head, twisting spool, winding shaft, pulling spool, twisting device, winding device and pulling device, etc.


The twisting function of the double twist machine can make the metal wire form a curve or a straight line, so as to achieve a certain shape. Its winding function allows the metal wire to form a spiral shape, thus achieving strength and tightness. Its drawing function can make the metal wire form a straight line, so as to achieve stretching and tightening.


The main advantages of double twist machine are high efficiency, low cost, energy saving and environmental protection, which can meet the needs of metal wire processing in different industries.


Characteristics of double twist machine

Advantages of double twist machine: the advantages of double twist machine are fast twist speed, high twist precision, good fabric quality, stable twist quality, small twist head, beautiful twist head, can twist out a delicate twist, can twist out a complex twist, can twist out a large area of twist, can twist out a variety of different shapes of twist.


Disadvantages of double twist machine: the disadvantages of double twist machine is that the quality of twist is unstable, the twist head is large, the twist head is not beautiful enough, the quality of twist is greatly affected by the twist head, the size of the twist head can not be too big, the size of the twist head can not be too small, the shape and size of the twist head can not be too complex, and the quality of the twist head can not be too bad.


Double Twisting Machine Manufacturer


Application of double twist machine

Double twist machine is a kind of common yarn processing machinery, mainly used for yarn processing, such as yarn shortening, thinning, twisting, roving, stretching, shortening, winding, folding and other processing procedures. It can be used for yarn grading, yarn stretching and shortening, and yarn twisting. Double twist machine can be used for textile yarn, cable, rope, rope weaving and other processing, can also be used for rope, tape, rope fabric processing. In addition, double twist machine can also be used for cotton yarn, cotton rope, cotton cloth, cotton thread processing.


Double twist machine is a kind of precision automatic mechanical equipment, mainly used in the manufacture of wire. Here's how it works: Raw material (steel, copper, aluminum, or other wire) is placed into a machine, which then automatically twists the material into the desired shape and size.


In the field of wire manufacturing, the double twist machine can produce wire of various shapes and sizes for the manufacture of electronic products, household appliances, automobile parts, etc. It can meet the manufacturing needs of all kinds of wire, such as wire, cable, wire harness, etc.


In the field of machinery manufacturing, double twist machines can be used to manufacture various mechanical parts, such as bolts, nuts, screws, studs, etc. It can meet the manufacturing needs of various mechanical parts, thus improving the efficiency and quality of mechanical manufacturing.


In the field of electronic manufacturing, double twist machines can be used to manufacture various electronic components, such as resistors, capacitors, inductors, etc. It can meet the manufacturing needs of various electronic components, thus improving the efficiency and quality of electronic manufacturing.


In short, double twist machine has a wide range of applications in wire manufacturing, mechanical manufacturing and electronic manufacturing, which can meet the manufacturing needs of different industries and improve manufacturing efficiency and quality.


Development prospect of double twist machine

Double twist machine is an efficient yarn processing equipment, it is mainly used for processing cotton, wool, artificial fiber and other yarns. The development trend of double twist machine mainly has the following points:


First, technological improvement. The technical improvement of double twist machine will pay more attention to accuracy, reliability and maneuverability. The new double-twist machine will use more advanced control systems, such as PLC control system, to improve the accuracy and reliability of the machine. In addition, a more intelligent operating system will be used to make the operation easier and more convenient, thus reducing the occurrence of errors in the operation.


Second, market prospects. With the development of fabric industry, the market demand of double twist machine will be increasing. The application range of double twist machine will be more and more extensive, it will become an important processing equipment in the fabric processing industry. At the same time, due to the technological improvement of double twist machine, its price will be relatively stable, which will help expand the market demand for double twist machine.

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